Village Software | Browse content by tag Data Quest

Browse content by tag Data Quest

Dominic Bisset 20/03/2024

Data Quest 2024 Round Up

On Friday, Village Software held its fourth edition of Data Quest, a data mining competition for students. Here's what went down.

Dominic Bisset 25/02/2020

Data Quest 2020 Round Up

Village Data Quest 2020 has finished! Twenty-two students from various universities in the Liverpool area descended upon our office last Friday to demonstrate their data…

Johnny Read 22/01/2020

Data Quest 2020 is coming!

We have been planning the 2nd coming of Village Data Quest on 21st of February 2020, a BI puzzle to talent spot the upcoming talent in business intelligence. Under our Da…

Dominic Bisset 23/04/2018

Data Quest Round Up

The first ever Village Data Quest is complete! Data Quest is a programming competition conceived by the Business Intelligence team here at Village, aimed at raising the …