Transforming Synyega's Software Licensing Advisory Solution

Generic server cabinets

Client:                         Synyega

Industry:                    Technology

Project Location:       North West, UK

Came to Village for:   Bespoke Data Integration Solution


Liverpool John Moores University’s CW4.0 team commissioned Village Software Engineering to work with Synyega, a Warrington-based award award winning independent software licensing advisory organisation. Synyega models the licensing implications for clients moving from on-premises datacentres to the cloud providing early insights into potential costs, helping organisations avoid common pitfalls and make best practice preparations for migration. Village was asked to research and devise an on-premises operable proof-of-concept set of ETL processes to replace the ETL steps within Synyega's existing system called CHLOE.

“It was a pleasure to work with the Business Intelligence team at Village. The proof of concept that has been developed will be of significant benefit to our business and, in turn, our clients”

- Trevor Massey - Licensing Consultant – Synyega

Transforming a Software Licensing Advisory Solution

Approaching the problem, an entity relationship diagram and the as-is processes were documented to inform development of the solution that also focussed on ensuring that all database tasks are performed inside a single SQL Server Express instance, rather than both the staging application and a SQL Server database. This makes the system easier to deploy, maintain and develop.

The open-source Talend Open Data Studio ETL was selected as it has a non-cloud option (meeting the on-premise requirements) and a low-code development environment (allowing a larger range of Synyega employees to contribute to running, maintaining and expanding ETL processes).  

The simpler execution reduces Synyega’s dependence on the availability of the relatively small number of users with SQL knowledge. The proof of concept was demonstrated to the Synyega team at an on-line workshop accompanied by a documented ‘how-to-guide’ with advice on how to connect to the database, and how to undertake further adaptations to CHLOE to meet the need of different clients.

field of laptops

Synyega Logo

Synyega is a Warrington based award winning independent software licensing advisory organisation that models the licensing implications for clients moving from on-premises datacentres to the cloud providing early insights into potential costs, helping organisations avoid common pitfalls and make best practice preparations for migration. For example, advising on a clear sequence of Oracle support cancellations and decommissioning schedule to ensure efficient removal of old licenses which could cost unnecessary budget.

Synyega’s dynamic methodology powered by CHLOE (cloud licence optimisation engine) addresses the new reality of software estates in continual flux.


The open-source configurable tool provides Synyega with a solution that the licensing consultants team can utilise on clients’ premises to give fast and accurate reports to aid business decision making and resultant cost saving opportunities.

The configurability and easy to use nature of the new tool has increased the number of Synyega employees empowered to run and develop the tool, reducing the business risk.