Village Software | Browse posts written by Dominic Bisset

Browse posts written by Dominic Bisset

Dominic Bisset 20/03/2024

Data Quest 2024 Round Up

On Friday, Village Software held its fourth edition of Data Quest, a data mining competition for students. Here's what went down.

Dominic Bisset 25/02/2020

Data Quest 2020 Round Up

Village Data Quest 2020 has finished! Twenty-two students from various universities in the Liverpool area descended upon our office last Friday to demonstrate their data…

Dominic Bisset 13/06/2018

Celebrating Margaret's 25th year at Village

Last week we celebrated Margaret’s 25th anniversary at Village. From her accidental fall into programming many years ago while inventing a function-like notation for knit…

Dominic Bisset 23/04/2018

Data Quest Round Up

The first ever Village Data Quest is complete! Data Quest is a programming competition conceived by the Business Intelligence team here at Village, aimed at raising the …

Dominic Bisset 26/02/2018

Thoughts from SQLBits Day 2

SQL is a declarative language: you say what you want, and the tool itself decides how to achieve that goal.  It’s a programming paradigm that I enjoy.  I can focus on the…

Dominic Bisset 22/02/2018

Thoughts from SQLBits

SQL is a declarative language: you say what you want, and the tool itself decides how to achieve that goal.  It’s a programming paradigm that I enjoy.  I can focus on the…

Dominic Bisset 12/01/2018

Database DevOps

DevOps is a well-established practice when it comes to application development but migrating databases poses additional problems.  There could be differences in the defin…

Dominic Bisset 01/12/2017

Get Answers Faster with ThoughtSpot

Why wait for the answers to your business questions? Martin and I spent last week at ThoughtSpot's first Delivery and Implementation Bootcamp, where we've been delving i…

Dominic Bisset 26/05/2016

Advanced Data Capture and Reporting in Excel with VBA

At Village we push Excel Macros to their limit. Excel’s accessibility and omnipresence are its greatest strengths. It’s a pretty safe bet that you’ll have opened it up at…